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Novafil Suture
NOVAFIL non-absorbable monofilament surgical sutures are composed of polybutester, a copolymer of butylene terephthalate and polytetramethylene ether glycol.
The unique properties of NOVAFIL monofilament sutures are attributed to the composition and structure of the polybutester fiber which give the suture:
- Suppleness and easy handling
- Unique elasticity and flexibility
- Excellent knot security
- Less tissue drag and smooth knot run-down
- Fray resistance
- Unique resistance to creep and structural fatigue
NOVAFIL polybutester sutures are indicated for use in general soft tissue approximation and/or ligation, including use in cardiovascular and ophthalmic surgery, but not in microsurgery and neural tissue.
The use of this suture is contraindicated in patients with known sensitivities or allergies to its components. This suture, being non-absorbable, should not be used where extended approximation of tissue is required.
NOVAFIL monofilament sutures elicit a minimal, transient acute inflammatory reaction in tissues, which is followed by gradual encapsulation of the suture by fibrous connective tissue. NOVAFIL monofilament sutures are stable against the action of tissue enzymes and do not degrade.
Tensile Strength
NOVAFIL monofilament sutures are non-absorbable and no significant change in strength retention is known to occur in vivo.
Gamma irradiation
NOVAFIL monofilament sutures are available in USP sizes 2 (5 metric) through 10-0 (0.2 metric). NOVAFIL sutures are available either undyed (clear) or dyed with Copper Phthalocyanine Blue. The sutures are supplied sterile affixed to needles using both permanent and removable needle attachment techniques.